STUDY SMARTER – Techniques How to Learn?

G Sky Academy, Kurumbupalayam, Kalapatti

Imagine today is 20 March, the day your final exam results will be declared. You wake up early in the morning, even before the alarm rings and lie in bed cold with fear.

Does this scene seem familiar? Does the thought of going to collect your annual report card make you anxious? If yes,then read on, this will be useful for you.

Many school-going children find their lessons difficult to understand or boring, or they find it difficult to score well despite trying to work hard. Others find it difficult to sit down to study. The number of study – related problems is diverse and this book takes a look at most of them. 

There is an ART to studying successfully so that you score better with less effort and no panic. This comprises of three crucial things:

Accept that studies are essential and indispensable. Whether you want to be a writer or a painter, an actor or a pilot-you will need to complete your school education before you can pursue your dream. After that, you can study the subjects of your choice, or go in for vocational education.

Remember that regular study habits make good scores easy to achieve. Such habits also help you to develop self-discipline,which will be very useful for the rest of your life and will help you succeed in whatever you do.

Think that it can be fun to take up the challenge of achieving good results. It is possible to enjoy the process of studying,and learning something can be a source of pleasure. There can be a lot of enjoyment in learning new things, and in gaining the appreciation of your teachers and the respect of your friends.

If you are the kind of student who wonders why you have to study, and the thought of exams puts you off. Take charge today. Only you can make your results better.Try to adopt or adapt whatever seems to make sense to you. These tips and techniques are meant to be used regularly, and the results will start showing sooner than you think.

  1. Where to study

We study at home and at School. At school, the very structure of the building and the layout of the classroom are planned to facilitate study and concentration. The whole purpose of the institution is to promote studying and so everything is planned for that specific purpose.

The importance of planning your study periods and breaks properly. Unless you have                    great and proven strength of mind,do not try a miniature burst of a  favourite activity – like reading ten pages of a novel, watch ten minutes of TV or listen to a similar amount of radio. The temptation to carry on might be too strong. Instead, take a short walk around the house or garden,or go to the kitchen and have a drink. Save activities you want to devote time to for periods when you are not supposed to be studying.TV requires no effort on your part! Be clear about what is TV time, and do not allow  TV to take over other times as well.

Share your Time table

Announce it to your family and friends. This announcement will serve two purposes. First, It will motivate you to follow it regularly. Second, as you have announced the time you can also request for least disturbance during that period. The family can also be told that you should not be expected to answer phone calls or attend to the doorbell during this time.

How to make a Time table

  1. List your normal routine or the day. See where the time slot is when you can study.
  2. Decide which is the best time for you to study and allot that time for study every day.
  3. Announce your timetable to your family and friends.

2. What to do in one day

Now you have your desk and chair in a quiet corner of the house,and you have decided that you are going to sit there and study between 5PM and 6 PM every day. Now What?

Choosing the Subject 

You can either look at the pile of books and wonder which one to open. Or you can have already thought through this and have a game plan ready. You need to decide what you are going to study. Otherwise, a lot of time will be wasted in the decision making process.In order to make sure that you pay balanced attention to all the subjects you have to study,prepare a schedule of what you will study everyday of the week.

Your schedule for the week could look something like this:


Alternatively, you might be the kind of person who cannot study the same subject for more than half an hour at a stretch.

In this case, your schedule could look like this:

DaysFirst half hourSecond half hour

Make separate timetables for school days and holidays

The flaw in the timetables shown above is that they allocate the same time on each day for studying. But as you must know,in reality this is not so.

On schooldays, most students are able to study only after school – unless you are one of those rare people who like waking up early to study. Onholidays, however,you can plan a mix of study time and playtime all through the day in order to balance your day.

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